Friday 20 March 2015

My understanding of the Solar Eclipse 2015

Everyone's gonna be starry eyes and star-gazing‬ today due to the‪ solar eclipse‬ in the UK. and that's a given!

I tried looking through a pair of 3D glasses (from the cinema) & my own sunglasses, too, but no joy. Not a doddle frown emoticon

Here's a bit of the science behind the total eclipse (sorry I am a 'Geek' at heart) .....

So to cheer myself up, here's my space galaxy‬ inspired ‪lampshade full of pink milky way bubbles
And here is the '5 star' review I got from the lovely Saskia that bought:
Very beautifully made. Flawless in fact. Fabric looks even lovelier in real life. Would happily buy from seller again. Thank you!
p.s. It's also the day the moon is at it's biggest i.e. closest to the earth as it can get whilst orbiting the earth( SuperMoon) as well as Spring Equinox which happens when both day and night are of equal length.

Thursday 5 March 2015

World Book Day 2015

As part of my confessions blog post I'm an avid reader whether it's online blogs, newspaper articles and columns, magazines and, most of all, books !!! I just love getting lost in the world of good old book, both fictional and non-fictional.

As it is 'World Book Day'  today, I thought I might as well share my love of reading with you as my blog is about what I like, things that peak my interest as well as lampshades and interiors.

And I know it might sound unbelievable but I don't even own an eReader like a kindle, iPad etc. (subtly dropping a hint ;-) .......). I just love picking and putting down a good old hard copy, sticking a bookmark in it and also rustling through the pages!

 Here are some multicoloured African print fabric bookmarks, handmade by moi - Detola. if you need some of these please send me a message via my Facebook page 

And I must confess, I do love reading, and re-reading, Children's books. I guess that's the inner child in me. I totally loved reading 'The Diary of  A Wimpy Kid'

Now I must find time to finish the last few pages of 'Everything Good Will Come' by Sefi Atta. She's also a winner of ' the Wole Soyinka‬ prize for literature'.

Friday 27 February 2015

Throwback to the Hippy Days: Retro Flower Power Handmade Lampshade by Detola and Geek

Oh my goodness, with my mouth wide open, I can't believe I haven't posted anything in like ... a min. A million sincere apologies!. What can I say, work and being as busy as a bee just gets in the way ;-)

Well here's a lampshade that reminds me that Spring is coming and would soon be upon us. The perfect time to start redecorating and possibly shop for a brand spanking new bespoke lampshade. Perfect icing on the cake.

Here is a a Spring inspired handmade lampshade made by Detola and Geek that I cooked up recently. A great retro ‪‎floral ‪lampshade. Talk about a throwback to the 60s / 70s ‪Flower Power era! Quite stunning if I must say so myself!

It's a 30cm medium drum lamp shade & can be used on a ceiling light fitting or on a table or floor lamp base. I was drawn to this beautiful fabric because it made me smile and feel happy

A limited edition handmade lamp shade with only 3 available. if you want to get your hands in one of these beauties please click on one of the online shop links

You can connect with Detola and Geek over on:

Have  great Friday y'all x
wink emoticon

Thursday 8 January 2015

The bigger the better! Large Oversized Giant Handmade Lampshades

Happy New Year everyone all over the world :-)

One of my resolutions for 2015 is to revive my 'Confessions of a Lampshade Maker' Blog and beef if it up. I will do my very best to post something interesting about lampshades at least once a week. Lampshade Maker's Honor.

So as I was saying .....

Lately I seem to be getting a lot more orders for LARGE Bespoke handmade lampshades. Am I complaining? Not at all - am a very happy bunny if I must say so myself!

I love creating lampshades to my customers requirements - I really do get a kick out of it 

At Detola And Geek HQ we make small. medium, large (and extra large / giant) handmade lampshades using our very own fabric (subject to stock) or using yours. We can go that extra mile and source fabric on your behalf if need be. We provide a complete service (apart from installing the actual lamp shades themselves in your interior - that part is 'easy peasy' & done by you)

If you don't like the standard Drum shape, we also make bespoke orders in OVAL, COOLIE, TAPERED DRUM, SQUARE, TRIANGLE or even TIERED lampshade designs!

Get in touch if you want a lampshade or two made specifically to suit your interior spaces / rooms

If you need a bespoke large lampshade or any other - ready made / custom made - please get in touch.