Monday 8 February 2016

The Chemical Periodic table by Dmitri Mendeleev

Let the truth be known I love science, geeky stuff and all that's in between

I love learning about new things that fascinate my mind

I also have a teen Funky Geek son who keeps me on my toes daily? I claim that Mum knows it all but am slowly being sussed out the older he gets! LOL!
(image credit: Google)

So today I found out that it is the 182nd birthday of Dmitri Mendeleev,  born 8th Feb 1834 - died 2nd Feb 1907.

Am sure you'll be wondering who he is? Well according to today's Google Doodle, he is the

Here are a few fun facts:
  • He was a Russian Chemist
  • He was the 17th child of his parents
  • Known for his work in the field of "Periodic Table" where he placed the elements in the order which we know it today.
  • He predicted the future of undiscovered elements & thus allowed for that in his layout
  • Missed out on the Nobel prize 3 times
  • He also crafted high quality suitcases using a special bonding glue he created.

One of his most famous quotes: 

"In a dream I saw a table where all the elements fell into place s required.  Awakening, I immediately wrote everything down on a piece of paper" ~ Dmitri Mendeleev

Sunday 10 January 2016

Lighting designs: The Dramatic Effect Factor

Is it too late to wish you all  Happy New Year! Well better late than never! Hope you all had a great Christmas & New Year!

I thought I'd start of this first posting for 2016 with a bang! 

As you all know I am a lover of lighting effects especially lampshade & lighting designs that stand out & hold their own1

So here are some that caught my eye . ...........


They all hold their own & have the "WOW factor". Certainly not for everyone 

Would you try any of these at home?